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Cryptojacking found on 2496 online stores


by Sansec Forensics Team

Published in Threat Research − November 07, 2017

Cryptojacking found on 2496 online stores

Does your laptop get hot when visiting your favorite shop? You computer is likely mining cryptocurrencies to the benefit of a cyberthief.

Cryptojacking disguising as Sucuri

Cryptojacking - running crypto mining software in the browser of unsuspecting visitors - is quickly spreading around the web. And the landgrab extends to online stores. The infamous CoinHive software was detected today on 2496 e-commerce sites.

Skimming and cryptomining, a golden match

Now, it does not seem likely that the legitimate store owners wanted to earn a few extra bucks and have added CoinHive themselves. I found that 80% of cryptomining stores also contain payment skimming malware. Apparently, cyberthieves are squeezing every penny out of their confiscated assets.

Spread fuelled by just a few individuals

As CoinHive requires a unique ID, we can analyze the distribution of crypto thieves. Out of 2496 infected stores, 85% is linked to only 2 CoinHive accounts, while the remaining 15% is spread out over unique CoinHive accounts. Because the tag added to this remaining 15% segment is consistenly the site's name, my guess is that this cryptojacking surge on online stores can be attributed to just 3 individuals or groups.

Well hidden

Some sites bluntly include the official coinhive.js file, others are more stealthy and include an iframe that points to This site shows a default Debian installation page but include a cryptominer nevertheless. Yet others disguise as Sucuri Firewall.

Fix for your browser

Use an adblocker or install a Chrome plugin or add to your hosts file.

We have added detection signatures to our eCommerce security scanner.

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